Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This an excerpt from a letter Katrina wrote today to her brother. I have posted it here with her permission:

'After dinner the other day a little boy walked into the H.O.H and said to me I came to stay here. I was a little taken aback by his statement a very handsome child i asked why do you want to stay here? "My dad died Saturday of cancer and my mom said she does not want to take care of children anymore and left us.", he told me. It turns out he has been dead two years.'
'He is eight years old. So, I have come to realize that we are probably not going anywhere soon. Too many children here who are in desperate situations. Daily now I am getting caught up in rescuing a child in one way or another. I sometimes marvel how God has prepared me for this, and how he has opened the doors and given me favor to be able to do it.'

What Katrina says is true. She is daily caught up, sometimes for up to twelve hours a day, in rescuing children. While I don't know how she does it I DO know where she get's the strength. Her life revolves around and is filled with the word and spirit of God. Without that wellspring flowing into, through and out of her heart, she would NEVER be able to keep up with the demand that this town and culture heaps upon her particular ministry. Nobody could. That's why so many people who have come here with similar work in mind have cut htheir time short and moved on.

We praise God for His marvelous work in and through us.

(Picture of Aaron will be posted later today.)

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