Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Lindsey on hosting children.

Hey Everybody,


Recently, I’ve posted some shorts from, Lindsey, a teen friend of ours whose family hosts some of the children who have to go to the US for orthopedic surgery or what not.


About a week ago I asked her if she would write an article to give others an idea of what it’s like having these kids in their home.


This is her response.


Well, Roger, you asked: ‘What is it like hosting kids from the House of Hope when they come to the USA?’ 


Keeping kids from Honduras is the greatest experience that I think our family has ever had!  We have had the opportunity to keep three wonderful children!  Our first was a little girl, by the name of Chelma.  She was a 3 year old with club-feet and she was in the U.S. for about 6 or 7 months.  She learned a lot of English while she was here.  We fell in love with her! 


Our second little guest was Glaci.  She was five.  Her leg was broken when she was a baby and it had never been set.  We fell in love with her, too.  She also picked up English fairly well. 


There is not a day that goes by that we don't think about them, and wonder what and how they’re doing.  They are now a part of our family. 


In fact, we got to see them when went down to Honduras last summer, and it was so good to see them.  We were able to communicate with them easily because they had picked up English so well when they was with us. 


Right know we’re keeping 14 year old Artenisia.  She just had both legs amputated because of very serious club feet. We have already fallen in love with her, too.  It is a lot different though, because she doesn’t speak any English, and my sister, Meagan, and I only speak a little Spanish.  It’s really cool because we met her when we were down there in Honduras last summer, so it’s nice getting to see her again. 


If you ever get the chance to keep a kid that needs a home, don't let it slip away.  It is the best thing you could ever do! You will have so many good memories.  Trust me.  Even better would be if you get the chance to go down to Honduras and visit the House of Hope.  If you do get that chance, then go!  It was the best trip I’ve ever taken, and I can't wait to go back.  They are the coolest people and the sweetest kids you’ll ever meet. 



14 years old


Thanks again, Lindsey!



God Bless You!!!


Roger Engle


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