Monday, February 13, 2006

Surf N' Turf!



How’s this for a hamburger to go!  This morning my wife and I were lounging in the bed at about 7:00 AM, (Church doesn’t start ‘til 10:00), when there arose quite the cacophony outside our bedroom window. 

“Pull it!  Pull harder!  Grab it!  Careful!”

So, of course, I got up and grabbed my camera. 

Well, it seems my neighbor had just purchased a new young bull and was preparing to transfer him to the farm.  I’m no beef farmer, but this just doesn’t seem like a very efficient way to transfer a cow.  ‘Maybe he’s not just transferring a cow.’ I thought, as I snapped some pictures.  

He’s my neighbor and He doesn’t seem like the type that would traffic drugs.  But then, what do I know? 

I’ve got no beef with him.  (‘No pun intended’ would not be an accurate statement.  Now, would it? J)  So I’ll just enjoy the humor of seeing a cow in a boat.  (And share that humor with you!)

God Bless You All!!!


Roger Engle


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