Well, if I've proved nothing else, I've proved that I'm not very good at sticking to the daily routine of blogging. Let's see if I can keep you people updated a little better from now on.
We got the seawall in front of our house finished. Well, half finished... It was a two-phase project. The half in front of our new house was first so we could be free of worry about erosion destroying our new house. In the picture you can see the West, (closest), end of our waterfront still has some fallen trees and debris in front of it. We plan on leaving it there until we can afford to extend the seawall to cover that side of the land.
We have our house about half way finished and I have no idea when the rest will get done. People ask me all the time when do I think I'll have it finished. MY wife wants to know as much as they do...as much as I do. I always have to remind them, as I remind my self, that I'm not a contractor, nor am I a fortune teller. When we get the money to finish it, I'm sure it won't take long. Right now I'm doing my very best to save every penny I possibly can toward that very thing.
Let me see if I can figure out how to put some pictures of it on here and we will go from there. Okay?
Figured out how to put the picture in. It's the one at the top of the page. It shows our new house, still under construction.
Hopefully you'll be hearing from me again soon.
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