Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Sponsoring House Of Hope Children

Would you or your Church be interested in providing all or part of a childs expenses at the House Of Hope?

One of our goals is to house children, each school year. Most of them would be ones we've helped to get surgeries and may not get an education in their home village due to their residual limitations.

This part of our program would operate sort of like a boarding house in that the children would return to their homes during school break from November to February. That way they would maintain ties with their family and culture and yet be equipped to contribute to society though they may be incapable of physically rigorous labor.

For $90 a month, we can House, feed, and educate a child. While at the House of Hope, they will be expected to study, not only their textbooks, but the Bible, as well, and develope Christian character accordingly, learn to pitch in with whatever chores they are able.

We have 13 children waiting to spend the 2005 school year with us. So far, none of them are completely sponsored.

Below are their names:

Astrid, girl, Deaf
(15 yr old - name still unknown), girl, Deaf
Nancio, boy, Burned and badly scarred
Ursula, girl, Burned and badly scarred
Selvin, boy, Orphan
Lenny, boy, Amputated clubfoot
Alba, girl, Amputated clubfoot
Daniel, boy, Amputated leg
Walter, boy, Withered leg
Fanny, girl, Withered leg
Chelma, girl, Clubfoot
Jenny, girl, Severely impaired vision
Brigida, girl, At risk teenage

If you are intersested, please contact us by email, , or Tom Brian by telephone, 972-727-5436.

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